Poem – Believing in the Shadow

This was a prose poem I wrote a few years ago after a long summer waiting in Yellowstone National Park. I was often alone and wondering where the next glimpse of hope would come from. I feel much the same way today and I hope you will enjoy! Did You know? When you created me…Continue reading “Poem – Believing in the Shadow”

Triumph in Pain

Bled out on the floor before you. Life has taken it all away from me. Lacerations scar my body, my soul. Whipped and beaten, Barely keeping my head from the floor. Cold winter blasts Chills down to the bones Curled up like a child I cry out to you. Emotional Scars Crack through my chestContinue reading “Triumph in Pain”


Abba, They haunt me Voices, They haunt me. Speaking to me in endless night. They remind me that I am nothing They threaten to leave me abandoned They tell me I will be alone They leave me with no voice. They…You You remind me of my worth You tell me I am never alone YouContinue reading “UNASHAMED”