Poem – Stay and Wait

Description: My first response to almost every stressful situation is to run away. Oddly and disappointingly God has at time revealed to me that His Way is actually to stay and endure and watch for His provision in the impossible. This poem is an ode to that voice of His whether I follow it or not.

The kind that makes you anxious,
Or fall deep into depression;
Without Faith
Strong Faith
You will fall.

Don’t forget my promises,
My child remember I am here
Inside and among you
I am doing a new thing
I am doing a good thing
Sit now, I am working.

Lord, I trust You
My own hands are tired
I am growing weary
So I stay and wait on You
You are Good
You are Holy
You alone are worthy of my praise.

Published by Ryan Bowser

Owner and Photographer at Bowser Creatives LLC

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